Menstrual Equity

Aug 11, 2023 | Campaigns

You don’t have to pay for toilet paper, so why should you have to pay for tampons and pads?

NISU is always working to try and improve the lives of students. Our campaigns focus on reducing barriers to education in any way we can. Since 2018 one of our passion projects has been to improve access to free menstrual products after learning from a survey done by United Way that almost 20% of students have missed school due to lack of supplies and a whopping 35% had left school due to an unexpected period start.

In May of 2018, the NISU board of directors committed to funding a pilot project providing low-waste, organic menstrual products in 3 bathrooms at NIC’s Courtenay campus. Available in one female-identified, one gender-neutral, and one male-identified bathroom.

As of August 2023, the Menstrual Equity initiative has expanded to include three bathrooms in each building on each campus and the college has committed to paying 100% of the costs associated. NISU has also struck out into the broader community and has lobbied local government to provide free menstrual products resulting in Cumberland and Comox both committing to providing free products in public buildings they operate.

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